Wednesday, May 21, 2014

All. Out. Meatfest

Yesterday we had the pleasure of attending the restaurant Kaarna, located within the heart of Helsinki.  As an appetizer, we received the Kaarna game platter.  Both myself and Gene thought that the platter was the entree of the meal, yet it only served as an appetizer.  We were able to try delicacies including smoked reindeer tenderloin, smoked elk, and a reindeer mouse.  All were very delicious and mouthwatering.  After the students devoured their game platters, we received a slow cooked beef brisket that needed no more than a gentle push of a fork to cut.  After we finished the entree, we received warm individual slice of blueberry pie and a scoop of salacious french vanilla ice-cream.  The consensus among most of the students was that this was the best meal of the course, one that definitely demonstrated the culture of food in Helsinki.

-Jason & Gene

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